24" x 48" Acrylic Painting on Premium Wrapped 100% Cotton Canvas.

This custom commission was one of my biggest challenges as an artist to date, literally. The canvas is the largest I've painted and I am always determined to maintain the intricate detail I strive for in every painting, no matter the size. This painting was no exception. Each wave I painted with painstaking detail along with each cloud.

The ship was one of my absolute favourite things to paint, getting the detail of each sail billowing in the wind was vital to create the look I was going for in this painting. 

This painting pushed my abilities, with no direct reference photo, it's a creation all of my own mind and what I dreamed up leading to the slight surreal level of colour and vibrancy. 


Red Sky at Night, Sailors Delight

Red Sky at Night, Sailors Delight

Your Commission Awaits... 

If you have a painting you would like to commission an original art piece  you can look over my commissions page where you'll also find a detailed order request form. Or reach out directly thorough email.  

I look forward to creating your timeless original piece! 



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