

 I've been lucky that a select group of owners have trusted me to ride and gain experience with their horses.  As you may of noticed, I don't come from the typical background you see for many in the higher levels of this sport. These opportunities are invaluable to me as I continue on my journey as an equestrian athlete.

I've often worked 2 to 3 jobs while in school since I was 12 (yes, 12) to continue training in this sport. Having incredible opportunities with these absolutely amazing horses is a dream come true and I am so grateful to the owners for their trust and support. Now, I've created a life full of equestrian sport launching my business, Elite Equestrian Media  where I help equestrians dominate online while I continue to train as an amateur rider on the side!

Work With Me

How it Works 

Young & In Development

Young & In Development


Coming Soon

In Training

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I'll be in touch soon.