Bethany           Didtrek

Bethany Didtrek

Get to know  me

Get to know  me

Do you know that feeling in your soul that pulls you towards something? 

For me that feeling always pulled me towards horses.  Luckily, I was able to pursue that passion and from a young age and by some miracle, I showed talent.

A combination of drive, love of horses and talent has taken me to some interesting places! From buying my own horse at age 12 (yes, with my own money), to working as a groom at top thoroughbred racing stables in Canada and England to now being trusted as an amateur rider with some pretty incredible top level jumpers! 

Every horse I ride I care for like they're my own and I take the opportunity to learn and grow as a rider. We train together in harmony and for me there is nothing more rewarding then having the opportunity to connect with talented horse!  

Living & Breathing

My Calm.    My Passion.   My Drive.

Horses are my life

Passion, Quality, Dedication


Horses found me and I truly don't know what or who I would've become without them. That may sound super corny but what can I say, it's my truth. 

Horses unlocked something instinctual in me. They allowed me to tap into my resilience, my drive, grit and tenacity. 

Riding and working with horses has honed my balance, emotional intelligence, self-awareness and I am constantly being challenged in new and exciting ways that makes life nothing short of incredible. 
Want to know more of my story and my start in the equestrian world? 

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